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Using rHGH and GH peptides together for “anti-ageing” purposes

I will list my “anti-ageing” protocol below. I have inverted commas for that phrase because there is no evidence rHGH use increases life-span. It may increase health-span though if it is providing a better quality of life—which is important—and in my opinion more valuable than life-span. It would be nice if we could have both. Unfortunately, the mechanistic and animal data supports rHGH use as decreasing lifespan. That sucks! It is also important to note that not all “love” GH and that a common side effect is contradictory to the purpose of well-being. This common side effect is fatigue. Some get it, some do not. The biggest risk with rHGH is insulin resistance (IR). This is a possibility with rHGH use and is anything but a positive. With that said, complications with the right dose and lifestyle modifications are rare and/or manageable. On the note of IR, one could mitigate IR with Metformin. A dose of 850 mg twice daily will suffice for most. One could either be proactive and dose Metformin as an adjuvant with their rHGH, or they could monitor BG levels and add if needed. Metformin itself shows promise as an anti-ageing medication—truly though—not inverted commas like rHGH. You may want to look into that.

I am a fan of using a combination of GHRP/GHRH peptides with rHGH together to achieve two things:

1.) Improve affordability ($)
2.) Create a more “natural” environment of GH. Also inverted because we cannot confirm whether or not this pulsatile approach is better or worse than simply whacking in rHGH at 3 iu once per day. I suspect it could be though and anecdotally, my clients are finding this protocol to work very well for them.

Unlike the HPTA, there is no evidence that exogenous (synthetic) GH will shut down the production of endogenous (natural) GH. the GH/IGF-1 axis is likely more similar to the Pancreatic-Insulin axis whereby an exogenous dose of insulin will not affect endogenous insulin secretion. This is why using exogenous insulin does not cause diabetes and is also why those who have used insulin for years can get off it too when they modify their lifestyle. So, with all this said, how about increasing your endogenous production of GH and utilising exogenous rHGH for a higher reading? I am then often asked the question: “Why can’t we just use GHRP/GHRH without rHGH then for a therapeutic dose of GH?” Well, you can. The issue is that this approach will not work the same for everyone. There are large variations in the dose-response curve for GHRP/GHRH only protocols. Unlike rHGH, GHRP are not entirely specific. They mimic something else in the body in the hopes of causing an endogenous GH release. With rHGH, you are guaranteed that dose of GH everytime you inject it. This is why I believe rHGH will not be replaced by any of these Growth Hormone Secretagogues (aka GH releasing peptides) anytime soon. So, on to my “anti-ageing” GH protocol then:

AM (UPON AWAKENING): 100-200 mcg GHRP-2 with 100-200 mcg Modified GRF (129). (If you are after purely therapeutic benefits, then stick with 100 mcg. For an added boost, double it.)

*No food 30 mins before or after in case insulin affects the GH pulse*

20 mins after your GHRP/GHRH injection, proceed with a dose of 1-2 iu of rHGH. (If you are after purely therapeutic benefits, then stick with 1 iu. For an added boost, double it.)

[Note: This is where fasted cardio can be valuable. An environment for fat loss with an anabolic boost. GHRP-2 is chosen because it is one of the stronger GHRP’s and you will receive a mild increase in cortisol which can be beneficial in the AM and can aid in fat loss also. Surprised? Yes, cortisol at the right time and dose is healthy. There are no evil hormones.]

PWO: 50 mcg of IGF-1 LR3. This is an optional medication for those who want an emphasis on skeletal muscle maintenance or hypertrophy.

PM (PRE-BED): 100-200 mcg Ipamorelin with 100-200 mcg Modified GRF (129). (If you are after purely therapeutic benefits, then stick with 100 mcg. For an added boost, double it.)

*No food 30 mins before or after in case insulin affects the GH pulse*

20 mins after your GHRP/GHRH injection, proceed with a dose of 1-2 iu of rHGH. (If you are after purely therapeutic benefits, then stick with 1 iu. For an added boost, double it.)

[Note: Pre-bed I have chosen Ipamorelin as the choice of GHRP because it is more “perfect” in its ability to target a GH pulse only. Cortisol will not be an issue and this is a good time for cortisol to be lower.]

There are many different ways to structure this protocol. I have an alternative protocol with MK677 and CJC 1295 w/DAC which should be even stronger. The theory here is that we are creating an environment that considers our bodies natural circadian rhythm and we are pulsing GH and cortisol at times that are likely favourable to our health and well-being. Of course, convenience is an issue with this protocol, but if you do not mind a few SubQ injections per day, then this protocol is bang for your buck. Some have asked me how many iu of rHGH this is equivalent to. I cannot answer that question, but I suspect up to double as I have seen IGF-1 scores up to double than expected with this very protocol. Remember though, that this protocol at the low end of dosing is for a therapeutic dose of GH only and although some muscle gain and fat loss should be expected, do not expect much if you are young and have otherwise youthful levels of GH. On the higher end of dosing with this protocol, in conjunction with AAS and/or insulin, I believe for it to be highly effective and a synergistic effect is seen. I have said this before but I will repeat it: GH on its own is hardly anabolic. Anyone looking to gain a tonne of muscle even use 10 iu of rHGH a day on its own is likely to end up disappointed. GH thrives when its friend anabolic steroid joins the party. Things get even more interesting when their other friend insulin makes an appearance.


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