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Juiced up Jessica – an introduction to females and anabolic steroids

As the negative dogma lessens, the popularity for performance enhancing drugs has begun to make its way into semi pop-culture within the fitness industry. Using performance enhancing drugs is no longer only for the serious athlete, but PEDs are now also for the everyday Joe who just wants to look good; or should I say for the everyday Joe and Jessica. That’s right, chicks are getting juiced up too in 2018. I can tell you from my “clinical experience” that the increase in female PED users is growing daily and for good reason too. Specific anabolic steroids and other adjuvant medications at the right dosing schedules can produce remarkable results for women, allowing them to achieve their ideal physique in just months in some cases. See, when it comes to most women, they’re not on a quest for 30 + kg of added muscle with sub 8% body fat. For most women in the gym, a well-shaped physique that is relatively lean and strong is the ideal look. Even the girls looking to take things a little more on the “masculine” side to the IFBB figure competition class will often require not even 1/10th of the drugs most competitive male bodybuilders will. There are some obvious disadvantages women are posed with when considering the use of anabolic steroids and other PED’s that we will discuss in this text, but there are two very awesome advantages women have also in the same context. Well, for most women anyway. For the chicks who are looking to be as built as Arnold in Conan, then this article is not for you. That degree of muscle on a woman requires a whole other chapter of discussion. So what are these two advantages? They are:

1.) A woman does not desire as much added skeletal muscle to her frame as a man would and therefore simple math will tell you that it will require her less time to achieve her ideal physique.

2.) A woman does not desire as much added skeletal muscle to her frame as a man would and therefore, she will also require less performance enhancing drugs to achieve her ideal physique. This also means less toxicity. A safer physique journey than a man if the type and dose of these performance enhancing drugs is appropriate for the woman.

I’d like to repeat the last sentence within point number 2.)

“A safer physique journey than a man if the type and dose of these performance enhancing drugs is appropriate for the woman.”

The above statement is where the glory and misery starts and ends for a woman when it comes to using PEDs; especially anabolic steroids. Now, of course women do not have to use anabolic steroids at all. There are other performance enhancing drugs that will assist a woman in achieving her goal physique such as HGH, IGF-1, Insulin, other GHS such as Ipamorelin/Mod-Grf, potential SARM use and Clenbuterol, just to name a few. But what we unfortunately too often see here is that the bread and butter of the equation is most often required to get to the finish line and that is good old fashion juice ladies and gents. Until further notice, almost all fitness competitors will tell you that the rate and quality at which they achieved their physique, had something to do with when they began using anabolic steroids. I know that anabolic steroids are not to be feared by women if the right type and dose is selected but many others do not know this or are at least incredibly cautious to even consider the use of anabolic steroids in women. And, well, so they should be. Let’s talk the bad first.

What can happen to a woman if she uses the wrong type and/or dose of an anabolic steroid? Well, the short answer is that she can take on the characteristics of a man, including hair growth where you don’t want hair to grow, deepening of the voice, changes in body structure, especially the face/throat and even clitoralmegaly which is a scientific way of saying enlarged clitorus. It is as if the clitorus tries to do its best to resemble a penis. I found it rather amusing when I first learned the potential for that side effect. There are a host of other potential unwanted side effects such as menstrual issues, acne, mood disorder, wait. Why on Earth would a woman even think about using anabolic steroids if all of this is possible? Well, the fact is that if she used 10-15 mg of Anavar daily for example, that is a drug with very low androgenic activity compared to Dianabol let’s say, these horrific side effects are very unlikely; impossible almost you could even say. Now I cannot speak for you if your “Anavar” you purchased does not actually have any Anavar in the bottle and it is instead something else that can cause these man sides. If this likely enough event was to take place then you may land yourself in some strife ladies. A topic of discussion for another day, but it should be compulsory to test your products before using if you are a female! I should note that most of these horrific side effects are horrifically irreversible too.

“So we get it now. Use the right dose of the drug, the right type of drug and make sure you trust your source. How about some suggestions then Ace?”

Sure thing. I am of the belief that unless you want to put your femininity at risk, start smaller than you need too! If you can patience your way through this ladies, you can essentially use almost any anabolic steroid you want at a low enough dose, including testosterone. In fact, recent studies suggest the beneficial effects testosterone therapy can have within a woman’s HRT regime with notion to increased well-being and libido. In saying that, there are definitely anabolic steroids better suited to women. The simple distinction between what is a good and bad choice is the androgenic rating. High androgenic rating, make a cautious choice. Low androgenic rating, better choice. back to the recommendations. I’m not going to fill up the page with potential cycles the ladies could try out. I will save this very sensitive and calculated dosage/drug recommendations for my clients only, but I will leave here what I believe to be a very safe and effective combination for any woman looking to achieve that bikini/fitness physique in 1/10th of the time it would take without the drugs. Actually, many women will never achieve the physique they do on an AAS cycle due to genetic and hormonal limitations. So here we have:

10 mg anavar daily, building up to 20 mg anavar daily if no unwanted sides are apparent. Start at 5 mg daily to assess if concerned. As I mentioned, starting lower is good insurance.

10-20 mg weekly of Testosterone split into doses that are most suitable for the ester you are using. For example, if the ester is Testosterone enanthate, split the injections into 2-3 x weekly. It is very important to dose this accurately so use a 1 ml syringe, not a 3 ml syringe like the bros use. Once again, start at the lower end and build up with caution.

HGH at 3-6 iu daily if you can afford it. It is important to build up very slow here and start at 0.5-1 iu daily because the side effects of HGH, mainly increased fluid retention, can take you by surprise if you dive in the deep end right away.

Ipamorelin/Mod-GRF (129) at 1 mcg/kg of each before bed. For example, if you weigh 60 kg, use 60 mcg of each. No food at least 30 minutes prior to administration. Despite contrary belief, this can be used in combination with recombinant HGH if the dosing is far enough apart.

IGF-1 LR3 at 1 mcg/kg 1 x daily. Less is known about what the addition of this peptide could do for you but anecdotal reports from users are is that is is a great addition to a stack with and no man sides once again. No man sides are a good time for the ladies.

Clenbuterol at 20-40 mcg daily. A more micro dosing schedule for Clenbuterol will allow some fat loss and anabolic potential without as many or any of the unwanted side effects commonly experienced at higher doses of Clenbuterol.

T3 is another option but only one I would consider if dieting or subclinical hypothyroid.

Insulin I would actually put at the top of the list but due to the dangers of incorrect insulin use, I have listed it last as an option only. Insulin is fantastic though. If you know what you are doing, it is just as safe as any medication listed above. Insulin seems to saturate at around 9iu so 5-10 iu of fast acting insulin pre and/or post workout with a little HGH/AAS in the mix is going to show results very fast!

You may be asking yourself whether or not the doses of some of these medications outlined above are low—too low maybe? And, concurrently whether or not the same rules apply if you’re considering slightly higher doses. Of course, Anavar can be used at higher doses by females without the negatives and so can HGH, Ipamorelin, Mod-GRF (129), IGF-1 LR3 and clenbuterol. What I have provided within this text is a starting gauge that has very little chance for serious adverse events. If you wish to go higher, there is no crime against it and for your specific goals you very well may have to. Competitive females I consult with use doses upwards of double than those outlined in this text and they’re not necessarily in the “beefier” classes either. Some need more, some need less. I want to reinforce that this text is merely a guide.

I hope the information you’ve read here today serves as both a harm reduction exercise and also one that puts to bed some of the myths associated with women and anabolic steroid use. They are essentially myths when the right type and dose are chosen. So ladies, if you are considering the use of AAS, of course proceed with caution—but also do not fall victim of misinformation that is only there to scare you, not educate you.


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