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Can you inject your anabolic steroids in the subcutaneous (under the fat) with an insulin needle?

I first stumbled upon the idea of subcutaneous anabolic steroid injections when I was browsing testosterone replacement therapy videos on Youtube one day. Here is the exact video I stumbled across.

I thought to myself at the time, “this can’t be.” All of those painful, frustrating intramuscular injections I was having to endure just to inject 1/4 of a ml of testosterone enanthate, twice per week. I wanted more than anything for this to be true. When I say true, I meant for subcutaneous testosterone injections to be supported by the literature. I need dat empirical evidence for something like this. And well, long behold, there it was. Several study papers not only approving of the efficacy of subcutaneous testosterone injections, but providing insight that perhaps they could produce even more stable levels of testosterone, higher serum levels of testosterone and even a favourable aromatisation ratio so that estrogen did not elevate beyond the physiological (natural) range. In short, it seemed as if sub-cutaneous injections were a better option all round. Here are a couple of those papers I read:

Subcutaneous Injection of Testosterone Is an Effective and Preferred Alternative to Intramuscular Injection: Demonstration in Female-to-Male Transgender Patients.

Pharmacokinetics, safety, and patient acceptability of subcutaneous versus intramuscular testosterone injection for gender-affirming therapy: A pilot study.

Daily subcutaneous testosterone for management of testosterone deficiency.

Pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic study of subcutaneous injection of depot nandrolone decanoate using dried blood spots sampling coupled with ultrapressure liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry assays.

That last study is particularly valuable for this discussion because one of the questions I am commonly asked is: “do sub-cutaneous injections work for anabolic steroids as well as testosterone?” It seems by the conclusion to that study, the answer is yes.

“androgen esters in an oil vehicle can be delivered effectively by sc injection, thus avoiding the need for medically supervised deep-im injections.”

So the word is out, sub-cutaneous injections do work for anabolic steroid use too. “But how do we go about it?” I like to use the following rules when I inject any anabolic steroids by the sub-cutaneous route.

1.) Use a 27 gauge, 1/2 inch needle with a detachable 1 ml syringe to inject. You can use an insulin syringe, but just remember a 27 or 29 gauge needle may take a while to draw out your oil. Using detachable syringes and needles allows you to draw with whatever gauge needle you wish. Some like to backload their insulin syringes, which is fine too.

2.) Know your limits. For me, I do not inject anymore than about 0.6 ml in one site. I know others that can take a full 1.0 ml in some sites such as their glutes, deltoids and lats. Time to experiment. If you end up with a little pip, then you should probably inject less per site with sub-cutaneous. Some say this is why they still prefer intramuscular injections. Some users are taking a hell of a lot of oil per week, so sub-cutaneous injections may be more of an inconvenience than help. For your cruise or lighter cycles, this is my preferred method of administration.

3.) Inject slow. This is key. Take your time with the injection and you will notice that there will be minimal, if any pip. Pip is cork by the way. Same shiz.

4.) I prefer 27 gauge over 29. Just my personal preference. 29 gauge is a litte too narrow for me, takes too long and the pressure at the needle point increases the chance of pip for me.

Well, I know some of you reading will want to jump back on the juice train after knowing that you do not have to endure the painful, scar tissue building method of injection your anabolic steroids.

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