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10mL Primobolan Enanthate 200 mg/ml (Compounding Australia)

$115.00 $92.00

200 mg/ml x 10ml
Each ml contains:
100mg Methenolone Enanthate

SKU: B1001 Category: Product ID: 39741
CompanyCompounding Au
Half Life: 6-10 days
Administrastion: Intramuscular
Dosage: Men 300-800 mg/week Women 10-100mg/week

Primobolan is commonly used by those who wish to keep oestrogen and androgenic related side effects to a minimum. Primobolan is also a popular choice for cutting cycles due its mild anabolic properties which may be best suited for sustaining muscle tissue under strict pre-content dieting. Excessive subcutaneous fluids will also not be a concern due to primobolan being a non-aromatising steroid.

The likes of Primobolan and Anavar are generally well tolerated by females at low dosages. For females who use AAS, Virilization (Development of sexual differences) is the biggest concern. With responsible use and close monitoring, this can be avoided or minimized.

Fat Loss
Muscle Growth


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